Monday, June 28, 2010


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Today was the first full day of camp. The first order of the day was a breakfast of pancakes and sausage, along with cereal for those who wanted that. The tables are inspected and the winner gets possession of the coveted "tiki" doll as the prize.

Once we are finished with the activities of breakfast we all move outside for the flag raising. Jeff Wilson gave us a short talk about the sacrifices represented by the flag and the sacrifices made so that we can worship freely. Andrew's Murrays cabin were the ones responsible for the raising of the flag.

After cabin inspections all of the campers gathered in the B lodge for morning devotional. The morning devotional was led by Parker's group of older boys. After a period of worship the older campers stayed in the B lodge and participated in the class taught by Brother Matheny. The younger campers went to the mess hall for classes taught by Sherrie Murray.

Both teachers talked about the covenant that God made with Abraham that is recorded in Genesis 15. They had some props they used to give the camper a sense of the smoking firepot and blazing torch that God passed through the sacrifices that had been cut in half. They talked about the covenant that Jonathan and David had with one another as well as the covenant of circumcision that was established with Abraham. They talked about how all covenants were established with blood, and how the covenants established with Abraham were the start of the covenant relationship that God has with us today.

Each day cabin inspections take place, the winners are given the golden broom. Today's cabin winners were Keri Loftis' girls and Kyle Taylor's boys.

The morning activity consisted of the hike from the top of the falls to the nature center. In crafts they worked on checker boards and started on tye dye socks.

The teams were chosen and the teams took the softball and fields with the camp spirit. The games were played in the best of camp spirit.

The original plan tonight was to have smores in the B ring, however, the rain caused the activities to be moved in the mess hall, so we enjoyed the smores in the mess hall while watching a 2001 movie that starred many of the past and present camp "stars".
The day ended wtih a devotional and a time of praise.

After a full day it is time to get to bed, get some rest and get ready for a full day of activity on Tuesday.

-Article and photos by Keith Taylor

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