Saturday, July 3, 2010


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Here we are at Friday, the last full day of camp. There is a full day of activities planned and part of that activity involves starting to pack up and prepare for the trip home.

The final morning devotional took place today. it is quite a blessing to hear all of the campers raise up their voices in unison and in praise to God. There is a common joy that was present during the devotional this morning.

The bible study is a continuation of our study of covenant. We have been made more aware of the covenant that God has established with us and of the love and protection that comes from that covenant.

Today is the second sweet heart kickball game for the younger campers. One of the staff members overheard the younger campers making a covenant with one another. They formed an agreement on which girl that would not pick and leave available for the other. There are several that are considering being baptized tonight and Danny relayed that the letter that have been written are full of covenant language. The teaching this week has brought a new concept into the hearts and minds of the campers.

The older campers went on the cable hike today and also went out to buzzard's roost.
The games today are championship games. One of the wonders of camp is that the volleyball and softball games are played with the highest level of Christian spirit. It is joyful to see how the counselors and older campers encourage and make the younger campers a part of the team. Everyone on a team from the most gifted athletes to the least gifted athletes are able to make a positive contribution to the team. I just can't say enough good things about how the athletic contests are conducted and of the wonderful spirit that is part of the competition.

In fact that is one of the wonderful things about camp. There is a true unity and belonging that we all experience. Everyone is embraced and made a part of camp. Much of this unity and embracing of all is led by the college and late high school age young people that the counselors and staff members.

For activities tonight we had formal night. The counselors, some of the staff, and some of the campers had formal wear that could be found at the Goodwill store. There were a variety of awards given. Also we were entertained by Wally Nelson and Johnny Carsh of the music mafia. As with karaoke night, you need to see this to understand the level of entertainment that is provided.

We rejoice because there were 14 baptisms tonight. The following people were baptized tonight: Aaron Holt, Rachel Bean, Jacob Barnes, Montana Gaines, Jennifer Rochelle, Tucker Barnes, Bethany Henegar, Chandler Seal, Jessica Moffit, Camden Angell, Jackson Elkins, Gage Bentley, Chip Linville, and Jake Linville.
We closed the day with some devotional time in the B lodge.

This closes out another year of camp. Tomorrow we will finish packing up and go home.

-Article and photos by Keith Taylor

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