Thursday, July 1, 2010


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Today we were greeted with the coolest weather of the week. In fact the weather has been about as ideal as it gets today. After three full days of camp there were a bunch of weary looking campers that arrived for breakfast this morning.

After flag raising, anniversary awards were given to the following people: Jennifer Sherrill-20 years, Sherrie Murray - 15 years, Alisa Taylor - 25 years, and Frank Batson - 35 years.

One thing that happens as part of the morning devotional is that the campers from one of the boy's cabins leads a portion of the devotional time. After seeing the young men lead devotional and seeing the campers during this week I want to let you know that you children have amazing hearts. I know at times that you may wonder if they are hearing you. Let me encourage you to know that they hear you and encourage you to keep on teaching them about God.

The activities for today was sweet heart kickball for the older campers. As usual the game ended in a tie. The younger campers hiked to Buzzard's roost. For those of you who have been to camp this hike is down a smaller trail that starts at the parking lot. Also since the hike did not take all of the scheduled time, the counselors sat down on one of the benches, and had the campers sit and look at them. Then each counselor said a word in succession trying to string together a story. The campers had a blast at watching their counselors, and didn't want the time to end.

In crafts they "boon doogled". I don't have any idea how to spell this word. They made lanyards and they worked with the beads as well. Today is the last day of crafts. There craft staff wants to make sure that you do not wash the tye dyed socks with anything else for their first wash. They didn't want you to share the dye with any of your other clothes.

We had athletic contests in the early afternoon. At any one time there are two volleyball contests and two softball contests underway.

We went to the pool again tonight. The campers participated in limbo contest, a belly flop contest, a biggest splash contest, a statue contest (If you don't know what this means, ask Danny Gregg), and a basketball dunk contest.

Tonight was "When I grow up what do I want to be". The counselors shared a number of outfits representing several different occupations.

We ended the next to last day of camp with some devotional time.

-Article and photos by Keith Taylor

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